National Flood Zone App: Excellent app for home buyers and realtors. If in the market for a new home that is near a body of water this app will help you in making an informed decision on how much risk of flood you would be assuming in that purchase. - Flood Zone App Store Review
FLOOD ZONE quickly and easily gives you the FEMA designated flood zone of your current
location or a point you choose on a map.
more about the Flood Zone App.
Real estate agents, GIS professionals, surveyors, landowners and anyone with an interest in national flood related products or services will find this app's subscription service easy, quick and very affordable.
LEANSCREEN for Trainers
Accurately estimate body fat & waist to hip ratio from photos.
Skip the tape measure
and calipers.
Targeted to fitness professionals, physical therapists, gym franchises, nutritionists, and dietitians this iPad App is perfect for any health care professional working with patients and clients undergoing wellness or weight loss programs.
LeanScreen: This app helps me to get my clients to understand what's happening to their body and why they are always in pain. Yesterday my client could see her arm had turned over. - App Store Review

App Store Receipt Validation Service
For iOS developers that need to verify their Apple payment transactions are valid. The receipt verification service accepts your App's binary receipt data and returns a JSON object according to Apple's Receipt Validation Programming Guide.
This receipt verification service is for iOS in-app purchases (IAP). If you offer IAP then you should add receipt validation code to your App to prevent unauthorized purchases from being accepted.
iOS Receipt validation free access for all developers. Sign in with your Google account.
iOS Receipt Validation: You're great! Keep up the good work. - IDPursuit Private Owner

The patented PostureScreen allows easy client assessments paired with state of the art custom exercise prescription.
A quick, objective postural and movement screening tool allowing you to rapidly render findings to prospective patients, capture patient demographics, and print or email the prospective patient their findings. Geared for anyone who routinely performs postural and functional movement assessments and screenings on prospective patients.
Videos, demos, and a full feature list are available at the PostureScreen site.
PostureScreen: This is one of the most effective and powerful analysis tools I have in my office. It correlates with Biomechanical injuries demonstrated with Digital Motion Xray, Digital Duel ROM, Dynamic and Static SEMG, and Xray CRMA pre and post analysis. You can see and document post treatment improvement, assign appropriate and effective active rehabilitation. It is a must for any Physician of any specialty. You can visibly demonstrate why the patient has symptoms and degeneration in the areas they do, then assign a solution to correct it, and finally demonstrate the improvements. AWESOME AND POWERFUL, and it keeps improving!!! PostureScreen user Chiro1000